To Optimize or Not to Optimize?


That is the question.  Or at least it should be.

There is no silver bullet to mobile site and service optimization, but before proceeding down any optimization path, you need to ask yourself and your Web or Product Dev teams a few key questions:

  1. On what devices are customers, partners and employees viewing our site or using our Web service?
  2. What kind of experience will they have today?
  3. Does that experience reinforce or hurt our company brand or competitive standing?
  4. Does that experience affect revenues or productivity?
  5. Should we make changes?
  6. What should those changes be?

Each business will answer these questions differently.  Expect those answers to change over time – so ask them at least once per quarter.  Things really are changing that fast.

The first step towards optimization is simply to ask the question and get your business thinking differently about your Web presence.  If you don’t know the answers – FIND OUT. You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Get out your mobile devices and use your site or service as if you were a customer or employee.

Shameless plug:  Our 3PMobile™ Performance Measurement Service can help.

For another perspective on this issue, we suggest reading:

Should You Always Be Optimizing Your Website For The Newest, Fastest Device?

Posted in: Performance

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