This was an interesting exercise. I went to Google Docs in my desktop browser and looked at the contextual menus in the page.. They were File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Help. I wanted to see how long it would take to recreate those exact same menus in a Web page that work […]
Posts Categorized: Quality of Experience
The Innovators Dilemma – Improving the Internet so I have a choice in how it recognizes Me
In my last blog – Privacy: My Expectations vs.. My Reality I started with a famous quote from Wernher von Braun – you can recover from a production flaw but never from a design flaw. The design flaw that I hinted at was the Internet’s (HTTP) reliance on Cookies to add “state” to a users browser. […]
Privacy: Clash of the Titans – Where Humans battle Algorithms
Well it seems like a epic battle is about to get underway. To the North are the Humans – demanding that their Privacy be protected and to the South are the Algorithms – constantly “searching” to undermine my Privacy in the name of a better experience. Years ago when I was studying for my […]
Digital Privacy Twister
Yes, Twister. The fun, bright colored game where you get twisted up with all your friends and would-be teenage loves. Actually, the rules of Twister are more clear than the twisted Privacy policies that dot the Web these days – which in my opinion, are less about privacy and more about making money. The […]
Privacy is a Balance
As I watch the news unfolding about Path (link) and the controversy over accessing my address book, I can’t but shake my head in amazement that people are still missing the point. It’s not that they accessed my data without my permission that’s the problem – it’s that I have no choice in what […]