Posts Categorized: Privacy

The New G-Men (or Should I Say G-Women) of Privacy

Posted by & filed under #privacy, Privacy, Uncategorized.

Digital Privacy is a big deal and with the US elections behind us, we can get on with the business at hand – finalizing standards and regulation (or the enforcement thereof) that protect our basic rights to know who is collecting and using our data, how it’s being used AND having greater choice over who […]

The DNT Rope-a-Dope

Posted by & filed under #privacy, Privacy.

Even us folks that don’t follow boxing know the infamous rope-a-dope.  Show them one thing and then deliver another.  The classic, you never saw it coming.  So what does this have to do with Do Not Track? In theory, the DNT effort of the W3C is about defining the technical standards to support the ability […]

Re-Envisioning In-Browser Privacy

Posted by & filed under #Choice, #mobile, #privacy, #webperf, Privacy.

I’ve been planning on writing about an alternative approach to In-Browser Privacy. Obviously we’re very much in favor of a better solution than the current Do Not Track standard that’s being offered, and to that end we set out over 6 years ago now to build a fully standards based solution that seamlessly integrates into […]

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