Yesterday I wrote a blog about why web optimization is NOT the complete solution to making the Web go faster. I promised that in my next post I would talk about the complete solution to making the Web go faster. So here goes. Let’s start with a couple of assumptions (I know, always dangerous but […]
Posts Categorized: Personalization
Why the Browser Matters
I borrowed the title from “Ben’s Blog”, however the content is going to be a little different. Why does the browser matter? It’s simple to use. Ask anyone if they know A) What a browser is & B) how to use it and the answer will be “Yes” It’s cross platform, meaning that no matter […]
You Know what they Say about Assumption?!
I’m a marketer and understand all the good reasons for tracking online behavior. At 5o9, we’re all about the 3Ps – Performance, Privacy and Personalization. Ahh… personalization, the holy grail of mobile marketing – but, marketers, beware. Your good intentions may have unintended consequences, as you’ll learn about in this great TedTalk video from Eli […]