Posts Categorized: Performance

Why the Browser Matters

Posted by & filed under Context, Performance, Personalization, Privacy, User Experience, What: Device Information, Where: Location Information, Who: User Information.

I borrowed the title from “Ben’s Blog”, however the content is going to be a little different. Why does the browser matter? It’s simple to use. Ask anyone if they know A) What a browser is & B) how to use it and the answer will be “Yes” It’s cross platform, meaning that no matter […]

Why Mobile Performance Matters to “Travel Agents”.

Posted by & filed under #mobile, #webperf, Performance.

Let’s start with some images… Here’s a Mobile tester in Kauai using his Mobile Browser to test carrier/web page performance. In this case he was using Verizon. Yellow dots are “middle of the road”, green is good and red is “not so much”. Overall Verizon barely makes the grade   Now lets switch over to […]

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