Posts Categorized: Patient Engagment

Think Bigger – A Systems Approach to Patient Engagement

Posted by & filed under Patient Engagment, Uncategorized.

Today’s healthcare environment is all about BIG change:  Big mergers and acquisitions, growing customer expectations, significant updates to payer reimbursements, big retail corner clinics and monster advancements in digital health.  It can be a challenge to focus your strategy and attention on the things that really matter towards making your organization financially stronger, more competitive and more responsive to […]

3PHealth Off to a Good Start – CIO Review Top 20 and CO NextUp Accolades

Posted by & filed under #Choice, #mobile, Choice, Enterprise Mobility, Patient Engagment.

Our new focus on healthcare IT has proven both exciting and rewarding.  We have met some amazing people over the past year who have provided invaluable feedback, support and validation to our efforts.  We joined the PrIME Health Collaborative here in Colorado and are actively involved in the organization’s Inclusivity initiative.  We took 2nd place in the […]

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