In an earlier post – Privacy: X marks the spot where… I wrote about one of the problems with enforcing the Do Not Track header (the issue with caching servers and how do you enforce and verify the Do Not Track header was really sent?). So I thought I should offer a suggestion to improve […]
Posts Categorized: #mobile
Privacy on the Internet is NOT binary – But what if it was?
Back at the end of October last year I wrote a blog post on why Privacy on the Internet is NOT “binary”. So I thought I would follow up with another blog post discussing the alternative viewpoint – What if it was binary? Well first we need a little context about the Internet and how […]
Privacy: Does it Scale
Well it sure has been a busy day on the Privacy front. However as I watch all of this, I can’t help but ponder if people really understand the magnitude of the problem the Web faces. Lets talk about “Scaling”. On a thermometer today would have Privacy scaling above boiling point. Something is going […]
Privacy: Clash of the Titans – Where Humans battle Algorithms
Well it seems like a epic battle is about to get underway. To the North are the Humans – demanding that their Privacy be protected and to the South are the Algorithms – constantly “searching” to undermine my Privacy in the name of a better experience. Years ago when I was studying for my […]
Privacy is a Balance
As I watch the news unfolding about Path (link) and the controversy over accessing my address book, I can’t but shake my head in amazement that people are still missing the point. It’s not that they accessed my data without my permission that’s the problem – it’s that I have no choice in what […]