Posts Categorized: digital health

50 Shades of Engagement

Posted by & filed under digital health, Patient Engagment, Uncategorized.

I recently met a gentlemen who is offering an amazing new travel service that focuses on supporting good health habits when we travel for business or leisure.  His service really struck a cord with me and is one I hope to try out on my next trip.  Reading his most recent blog on corporate wellness, it really got […]

Health IT Must Adapt to its Users

Posted by & filed under digital health, Health IT, healthcare delivery, Telemedicine, Uncategorized.

Change is hard – but we often make it harder than it has to be.  The healthcare industry is in the middle of tremendous change:  regulatory change, biotech advances, technology refresh, and changing customer expectations about convenience and access.  And through all this change, new competitors to traditional care delivery models are springing up every day – […]

Digital Health Innovation to Sustain Care Plan Adherence

Posted by & filed under digital health, Patient Engagment.

The Healthcare Intelligence Network released the findings of it’s recent HINtelligence Report and it included some pretty staggering statistics: Using care plans increased medication adherence and self-management in patients and boosted clinical quality ratings for 70 percent of healthcare organizations engaged in the tools A majority of respondents—83 percent—incorporate care plans into value-based healthcare delivery processes, […]

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