Posts Categorized: #Choice

Do Not Track

Posted by & filed under #Choice, #mobile, #privacy, #webperf, #wpo.

Consumer Reports Says Do Not Track, But Tracks Anyway Here’s the punch line… So, while the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari do allow users to enable DNT, standards for whether or how online trackers should acknowledge those browser signals have yet to be agreed upon by government, advertisers, privacy advocates […]

A Fool in search of Privacy

Posted by & filed under #Choice, #mobile, #privacy.

As I watch with great interest in what can only be called the ‘Shenanigans’, taking place at the W3C Tracking Protection Working Group, my mind is drawn to Wikipedia’s description of the Fool (link) In various tarot card games he has a unique role – (and I quote)… ‘In these games, the Fool is sometimes […]

Why Johnny Can’t Opt Out

Posted by & filed under #Choice, #mobile, #privacy.

In light of all the ‘discussions’ over at the Tracking Protection Working Group regarding the advertising industry claims that their polices ‘really do work’ I thought it might be a good idea to search for some more empirical data by a respected university. And as luck would have it I found this: Why Johnny Can’t […]

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